Chemex Recipe
The time has come! Here is a quick an easy way to make a Chemex for 2-3 people, the same we do in the shop!
What you'll need:
48 grams medium ground coffee
800 grams filtered water
Chemex Filter
How to brew:
- Start by turning on kettle full of filtered water
- Put your chemex on the scale
- Add filter (3 layers to spout, 1 layer to rear)
- Rinse filter with hot water and dispose of water
- With chemex on scale, add coffee and tare.
- Start timer and pour 100 grams of water on coffee (enough to cover grounds)
- Wait 45 seconds- allow coffee to bloom
- Pour the remaining water until the 2 minute mark- slow concentric circles from the inside-out, and then outside in.
- When you are finished pouring, the remaining coffee should take about 1 min to drip out.
- Dispose of filter
- Pre-heat mug with hot water
- Pour & Enjoy
Things to remember:
- If this is your first attempt, don't get discouraged if it's not perfect. The more you brew the better it'll get!
- Good water=Good coffee (& it's easier on your equipment)
- If you can grind every time you should
- If you have questions, or need a recommendation for coffee- LET US KNOW